On the 8th of July 2012, skipping safe convinced a few of the Confederacy Incompetent Generals to rebel and leave the Confederacy of Annihilation. During this time the promises made by the Kaiser during the Second Confederation were completed. The clan received new colours and new Military Ranks and a complete Government Ministry. Skipping Safe convinced Church, Hunter and a few of the Majors to leave the Confederacy. After they left the evidence of their Incompetence was overwhelming. Both of them had been lying to the Kaiser and the rest of the Confederacy about how many people they had in there regiments. It was discovered that they only had a few people in their regiment, most of which were later kicked because they didn’t play Halo anymore and were inactive. The Incompetent Generals chose to leave the Confederacy instead of trying to fix the issues that faced there Regiments.

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